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Stroller Strides • Fri, Jul 23 at 9:30AM Instructed by Maridee Liljegren • Market Square at Crocker Park

Stroller Strides® is a functional, total-body conditioning workout designed for moms with kids in tow. Each 60-minute workout is comprised of strength training, cardio and core restoration, all while entertaining little ones with songs, activities and fun! Each Stroller Strides instructor is skilled to meet you where you are mentally and physically. You’ll leave class feeling connected, successful and energized! No more mama guilt! This class is all about self care in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Special instructions

Monday & Wednesday 9:30-10:30 am: We meet at Market Square in Crocker Park - there are free parking garages on either side
Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-10:30 am: We meet on the sidewalk in front of the Rocky River Recreation Center.

Please be sure to bring your stroller, water, sunscreen, and a yoga mat or towel. Snacks and books/toys for the little ones can be helpful as well!

Instructors will have resistance bands available to loan out. They are included with a monthly membership. You can purchase a set for $13 (resistance band + mini band) or $9 for just the resistance band.

The safety of you and your little ones is our biggest priority. Children must stay in strollers at all times, unless feeding or babywearing. Kids that are above stroller age may walk alongside you or scooter/bike. Feel free to bring a lawn chair or towel for older kids to hang out on at each station.

As we move throughout the area, be mindful of bikers, joggers, dog walkers and pedestrians. Keep to the right and pass to the left.

We do our very best to meet for class even on rainy days and during air quality alerts! We are lucky to have indoor options. At Crocker Park, we enter into the Market Square building. At Rocky River Rec Center, they allow us to use the basketball court or a downstairs workout studio.

If we do not have anyone signed up for class by 7:30 am the day of class, we will remove the class from the roster.

If there is an emergency cancellation, class registrants will be notified through email and text/call.

If you won't be able to attend, please remember to cancel. The class will be credited back to your account.

If you have any questions regarding class, please contact Kelly Kitsis at kellykitsis@fit4mom.com or 216.233.5459.

We can't wait to see you and your little ones!

Cancellation policy  If you won't be able to attend, please remember to cancel.
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